LED lighting package

Studio ”Creator Kit”

7 lights


2 - Amaran 200x bicolor

COB (main lights)

1 - Amaran COB 60x 60w bicolor (hairlight / backlight)

2 - Amaran T2c w/ grid (similar power as Helios) accent / product lights

1 - Amaran spare battery grip for above

1 - Amaran SM5c RGB Smart Pixel strip light 5m

1 - Amaran SM5c RGB Smart Pixel strip light, extension 5m

(smart pixel strip lights are great for colourful accents for backgrounds)

2 - IntelliiTech LC-120 120w 3x1 bicolor triple panel mat w/ softbox, grid DMX (background lights)

1 - SmallRig 48” parabolic softbox with quick release Bowens ring w/ eggcrate (main soft)

1 - 43” white shoot-thru umbrella (fill)

1 - 33” silver umbrella (main with more contrast & sparkle)