
$1,600 /mo gets $2,000/mo credit (25% bonus)

  • use at any available time

  • applicable to Studio 2

  • $400/mo saving is in addition to existing discounts*.

  • One user.


$4,000 /mo gets $5,000/mo credit (25% bonus)

  • use at any available time

  • applicable to Studios 1 and 2

  • $1,000/mo saving is in addition to existing discounts*.

  • One business.


$8,000 /mo gets $10,000/mo credit (25% bonus)

  • use at any available time

  • applicable to Studios 1 and 2, PLUS equipment bookings

  • $2,000/mo saving is in addition to existing discounts*.

  • Can be used by multiple users who are involved with the member company, such as a group, an agency or large corporation.

  • 20% off any additional time booked

  • unused time can be used in future periods of continuous membership

* not applicable to occasional limited time promos

This is an annual commitment, payable by start of monthly cycle . Credit card fee +2.9%. Requires one month deposit. Price is locked in during your year, so no matter what improvements and capabilities are added in that year, you will not pay more for them during that year. Member studio rates are as low as $42/hr.


  1. Pre-paid Founding Membership can be used for Studios 1, 2, and equipment bookings.

  2. Founding Members pre-payment discount:
    $10k =$12k (20% bonus credit)

    $20k =$25k (25% bonus credit)

    $30k =$39k (30% bonus credit)

    $40k =$54k (35% bonus credit)

    $50k+ gets $70k+ (40% max bonus credit)

  3. Founding Members have the opportunity to “bank” the credit from low studio use at certain times of the year, and use it for longer projects or a peak seasons.

  4. Founding Membership is multi-user, where if bought by, let’s say, a rep agency, production company, or advertiser, the credit can be used by multiple parties working through or on behalf of that company…like an “enterprise plan”.

  5. Founding Members have up to March 2027 to use the credit

  6. Pre-payment discount not applicable to monthly membership or limited-time promos

  7. Studio rates will stay locked in until March 2027, even with additional included. capabilities and improvements that will justify higher rates over time.


Standby shoots at half rate in Studio 2, only for members - great for creatives and tests! Standby turns into a booking 48 hrs of start.

Extended day 12 hrs (8am-8pm) $500

Standard Day 8 hrs (8am-4pm, 12pm-8pm) $375

Half Day 4 hrs (8am-12pm, 4pm-8pm) $250


To show our appreciation, ANYONE who refers a new client for studio rentals of at least $1000 or any membership, will receive a $100 credit against their next rental or membership payment once that transaction is finished.